Animation When most people think of animation, they think of a Disney movie or a children's cartoon but so much more can be accomplished using animation. Whether you created a product and need to show potential investors how it works, or you need an attention grabbing presentation to grow your business, or you just want to improve an existing video, there is no limit to how animation can help.
Our PixelDog staff has decades of experience in both 2d and 3d animation. We have produced animation and motion graphics in a variety of industries including oil & gas, the medical field, and even the movie and music industries. Our animators have worked on feature films that have been seen in theaters around the world, a number of television series, music videos, and video games featured on various devices.
Be sure to check out some of our prevoius animation work below.
Full Animation Sequences
(Click on a video below to play it. Click the arrow or swipe to play the next video)